Eastern Diocese Media
The Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America offers several informational resources to the public which are easily accessible, including Vemkar, Bread and Salt, Choices, and more!
VEMKAR is the electronic media platform of the Diocesan Ministries department of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America.
Through its website, downloadable phone app, and weekly e-blast, VEMKAR offers inspirational and informational resources to pastors, deacons, Sunday and Armenian school staff, youth and lay leaders in our local Diocesan parishes, to enrich young and old alike in their faith, worship, and learning experiences.
Named after the consecrated stone tablet that serves as the altar in the absence of a permanent sanctuary, VEMKAR places access to the Armenian Church in the palm of your hand.
Eastern Diocese Website
Bread and Salt
“Bread and Salt: Stories from the Armenian Church” was a video and podcast series. The episodes cover a wide range of topics, including Armenian history, the traditions and practices of the Armenian Church, and key personalities who shaped the Armenian Christian faith.